
Illicit Drug Money Delaying Amero?

Amero - Drug Money Laundry - RapidshareThe U.N.'s crime & drug watchdog has indications that Dollar bills made in illicit drug trade have been used to keep banks afloat in the global financial crisis. You can read in Austria's weekly magazine Profil that drug money often became the only available capital when the Finanzkrise (German Keyword) spiralled out of control in 2008. This means you've got to thank one more person besides Vater Staat for actually saving your... savings... by saving certain banks: namely the Godfather. Tha International Herald Tribune reports:

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had found evidence that "interbank loans were funded by money that originated from drug trade and other illegal activities," Costa was quoted as saying. There were "signs that some banks were rescued in that way."

And if you google:

Illicit Docu Rapidshare

...you'll find the following links:




Amero 2.0 - The Latest Keywords

Happy Obama! This post is about Amero keywords -- Amro is in second place. Before El Amero, The Amero, Amero Currency, Ti Amero, Amero En and American Amero. The final 3 Google Keywords with a search volume of 1000+/month are Amero North, North American Amero, and Amero Video -- hey, I'm desperate for traffic!
Here's an Amero picture:
Keine US Dollar Fremdwaehrungskredite fuer Austrian Mittelstand


TruthMILF: That's hot!

Because there is real change propaganda forming, mind-
ing the truth is real hot, and "the Amero is already set up to take its place" (Truthmom). However:

There has been a tremendous amount of change politically and economically for the year and it will continue in 2009. I have studied the Amero Dollar a great deal and remain undecided if there is a conspiracy to bring it about. We have seen many hoaxes from novelty Amero coins and Amero paper currency which have proven to be frauds so if you see a image online claiming to be government minted don’t believe it.

-Baltische Rundschau (Amero Dollar Poll Results)

Peter Schiff was right (2nd edition)



2009: Year of the Rebel Rabbit

Rebel Rabbit is an anomaly in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. In this 60-year-old episode from 1949, Bugs is da aggressor, and he ends up losing the fight and the info war. Having found out that the bounty for useless rabbits are only 2 cents, Bugs intends to prove that rabbits are tough — even if he has to be 'more obnoxious than anybody'. You couldn't youtube this classic Bugs Bunny episode, but you could google
or could watch these actual screenshots... here

NAFTA Super Highway

Could it be that they carried this thing too far?

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