"Fall of the Republic" (2009)

You could google it, before you receive it in the mail:
fall of the republic rise rapidshare -star
North America's New Debt-based Currency?Austrian Economics
Tags Drogengeld, Drug War, Mexico, NAFTA, NAU, North American Union, War on Drugs
An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, based on real life experiences, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme...
Tags World War C
Looks like the beloved synthesis is something they call SDRs. They are special, and Special Drawing Rights might just replace the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Russia, Britain, and other "great nations" like China beg for a global currenct.
Breaking news from China's ZGC Focus economics correspondent Chen Hui World reports that leaders plan a bombshell declaration - to replace the US dollar with a new global currency, the IMF-backed SDR.
Yesterday The "People's Republic" of China’s central bank proposed replacing the US dollar as the international [fiat] reserve currency with a new global system controlled by the International Monetary Fund.
Trillions out of thin air, and the absolute synthesis is that much closer. China joined Russia in the push for a One World Currency. The Chinese proposal was an indication of Beijing’s fears that actions being taken to save the domestic US economy would have a negative impact on China.
In an essay posted on the People’s Bank of China’s website, Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank’s governor, said the goal would be to create a reserve currency “that is disconnected from individual nations and is able to remain stable in the long run, thus removing the inherent deficiencies caused by using credit-based national currencies”. Mr Zhou said the proposal would require “extraordinary political vision and courage” and acknowledged a debt to John Maynard Keynes, who made a similar suggestion in the 1940s
The upcoming G20 summit will be held in London on April 2, and according to The Moscow Times, that's when the Kremlin is supposedly going to to join the One World Paper Talk, to pitch a supranational reserve currency to be issued by
international private institutions as part of a reform (change:) of the global financial system.
"The International Monetary Fund should investigate the possible creation of a new reserve currency, widening the list of reserve currencies or using its already existing Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, as a "superreserve currency accepted by the whole of the international community," the Kremlin said in a statement issued on its web site.
The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement the existing official reserves of member countries.
The Kremlin also called for national banks and international financial institutions to diversify their foreign currency reserves. It said the global financial system should be restructured to prevent future crises and proposed holding an international conference after the G20 summit to adopt conventions on a new global financial structure. The Kremlin ain't fond of the dollar and has lowered its own dollar holdings in the last few years. Both President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have repeatedly called for the ruble to be used as a regional reserve currency, although the idea has received little support outside of Russia.
Read the whole article here
Tags Amero 2012, IMF, New Reserve Currency, Russia
Madame Speaker,
I rise to introduce the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. Throughout its nearly 100-year history, the Federal Reserve has presided over the near-complete destruction of the United States dollar. Since 1913 the dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power, aided and abetted by the Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policy. How long will we as a Congress stand idly by while hard-working Americans see their savings eaten away by inflation? Only big-spending politicians and politically favored bankers benefit from inflation.
Serious discussion of proposals to oversee the Federal Reserve is long overdue. I have been a longtime proponent of more effective oversight and auditing of the Fed, but I was far from the first Congressman to advocate these types of proposals. Esteemed former members of the Banking Committee such as Chairmen Wright Patman and Henry B. Gonzales were outspoken critics of the Fed and its lack of transparency.
Since its inception, the Federal Reserve has always operated in the shadows, without sufficient scrutiny or oversight of its operations. While the conventional excuse is that this is intended to reduce the Fed’s susceptibility to political pressures, the reality is that the Fed acts as a foil for the government. Whenever you question the Fed about the strength of the dollar, they will refer you to the Treasury, and vice versa. The Federal Reserve has, on the one hand, many of the privileges of government agencies, while retaining benefits of private organizations, such as being insulated from Freedom of Information Act requests.
Read the whole Ron Paul statement here
And only watch this Real News Video if you know you're the future...
Tags Amero 2009, Amero Currency, Ron Paul, The Fed
It may come as a surprise to you that Jim Rogers belongs to the fraction that uses commen sense: Feeding funny money into failing major-league banks will only make the situation worse. More currency turmoil worldwide in the future gets the mob closer to the cliff of synthesis.
Tags Amero 2012, Currency, Inflation, US Dolar
In this first part of the Q&A, a certain Paul Jay discusses how the worldwide economic mess will impact old Europe with author & political economist William Engdahl.
Engdahl points out that Italy is experiencing the worst "Wirtschaftskrise" it has seen in 30 years, and Great Britain is “falling off a cliff” but the European situation is supposedly “differentiated,” that “it’s a little bit different from what’s going on in North America, especially in the US of A.”
In Europe, he explains, “it is more an indirect knock-on effect of the United States financial meltdown.” And the question now is whether the EU is going to try and decouple its dependency on the US dollar and begin to form regional currency blocks like many nations around the world are starting to do.
Tags Amero 2012, Amero Currency, EU, Euro, Gold Standard
Based on a true MAD MONEY FOOL INDICATOR: Jim urged his followers 1 week ago to Sell Gold. This mainstream paper pusher stated the XAU rally was overbought and overdone at 900 USD. The fact is gold has much further to go up in terms of price. The NEW Amero will phase out the exhausted US currency in less then 3 years. Another fact is known by some and that is "Be a Mad Money Contrarian, and remember that all the Gold Mine Projects around the globe are only worth approximately 200 Billion USD right now, i.e., relative to that relevant Googol Search Engine's market cap.
Now a classic You Tube Video:
Jim Cramer Vs. Ron Paul
Tags Amero 2012, Amero Currency, Gold Price, US dollar
The U.N.'s crime & drug watchdog has indications that Dollar bills made in illicit drug trade have been used to keep banks afloat in the global financial crisis. You can read in Austria's weekly magazine Profil that drug money often became the only available capital when the Finanzkrise (German Keyword) spiralled out of control in 2008. This means you've got to thank one more person besides Vater Staat for actually saving your... savings... by saving certain banks: namely the Godfather. Tha International Herald Tribune reports:
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had found evidence that "interbank loans were funded by money that originated from drug trade and other illegal activities," Costa was quoted as saying. There were "signs that some banks were rescued in that way."
Happy Obama! This post is about Amero keywords -- Amro is in second place. Before El Amero, The Amero, Amero Currency, Ti Amero, Amero En and American Amero. The final 3 Google Keywords with a search volume of 1000+/month are Amero North, North American Amero, and Amero Video -- hey, I'm desperate for traffic!
Here's an Amero picture:
Tags Amero Keywords
Because there is real change propaganda forming, mind-
ing the truth is real hot, and "the Amero is already set up to take its place" (Truthmom). However:
There has been a tremendous amount of change politically and economically for the year and it will continue in 2009. I have studied the Amero Dollar a great deal and remain undecided if there is a conspiracy to bring it about. We have seen many hoaxes from novelty Amero coins and Amero paper currency which have proven to be frauds so if you see a image online claiming to be government minted don’t believe it.-Baltische Rundschau (Amero Dollar Poll Results)
Rebel Rabbit is an anomaly in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. In this 60-year-old episode from 1949, Bugs is da aggressor, and he ends up losing the fight and the info war. Having found out that the bounty for useless rabbits are only 2 cents, Bugs intends to prove that rabbits are tough — even if he has to be 'more obnoxious than anybody'. You couldn't youtube this classic Bugs Bunny episode, but you could google
or could watch these actual screenshots... here
Could it be that they carried this thing too far?
Tags Amerowatch, Bugs Bunny 1949