Based on a true MAD MONEY FOOL INDICATOR: Jim urged his followers 1 week ago to Sell Gold. This mainstream paper pusher stated the XAU rally was overbought and overdone at 900 USD. The fact is gold has much further to go up in terms of price. The NEW Amero will phase out the exhausted US currency in less then 3 years. Another fact is known by some and that is "Be a Mad Money Contrarian, and remember that all the Gold Mine Projects around the globe are only worth approximately 200 Billion USD right now, i.e., relative to that relevant Googol Search Engine's market cap.
Now a classic You Tube Video:
Jim Cramer Vs. Ron Paul
Just a CAPS "Newsletter" Blog Opinion and a Fact
Tags Amero 2012, Amero Currency, Gold Price, US dollar

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