One issue that is conspicuously absent from the rhetoric of the presidential candidates is the North American Union (NAU). The questions of immigration and border security are frequently raised and the candidates claim to realize the need for a clear immigration policy and effort to secure the borders of the United States. Yet when you begin to understand the purposes of the North American Union and the agenda of its proponents, you will understand why this will never happen. And you may also begin to see that you are being manipulated by the major candidates. [...] [Ron] Paul says that the real issue raised by the SPP is nation sovereignty. "Once again, decisions that affect millions of Americans are not being made by those Americans themselves, or even by their elected representatives in Congress. Instead, a handful of elites use their government connections to bypass national legislatures and ignore our Constitution – which expressly grants Congress the sole authority to regulate international trade." In this speech Paul predicts that the NAU will become a sleeper issue for the 2008 election, stating that "any movement toward a NAU diminishes the ability of average Americans to influence the laws under which they must live."
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The 2008 election's Sleeper Issue
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