"Everything that could go wrong did. What started with subprime mortgages spread to all collateralized debt obligations, endangered municipal and mortgage insurance and reinsurance companies and threatened to unravel the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market. Investment banks' commitments to leveraged buyouts became liabilities.”
George [Soros] continues, "If federal funds were lowered beyond a certain point, …..the ability of the Fed to stimulate the economy comes to an end." Where is that point? George Soros didn't want to say, but he probably feels it is getting very close and the reason why he wrote this article. Maybe at or slightly below 3%?
For believers of the theory that low interest rates can save us, just look at Japan for the last 10-15 years; zero or even negative interest rates have not helped much to stimulate the economy after the burst of both stock and real estate bubbles. George’s most interesting statement is: "the current crisis marks the end of an era of credit expansion based on the dollar as the international reserve currency."
What he didn't say is, if US dollar loses its reserve status, there is no obvious replacement currency, at least not at this moment. What happens then? One possible, likely and logical solution could be that countries around the world would consider gold as their reserves again.
Does George Soros imply that we are returning to gold standard?
Thomas Tan, CFA, MBA
The End of the EA$Y credit era
It's likely this blog is one reason why
... I did not
have sexual relations with Hillary receive a non-immigrant business visa: Certain US government branches browse amerowatch.blogspot.com on a regular basis.
While this is certainly only a theory, the fact remains that there is no incentive for an entrepreneur to start-up a business in the USA. In case the neo-con machine succeeds, and Ron Paul doesn't win the big one, I'll be bearish on the US for at least 5-8 years, i.e., till "the end of the world" (2012), you big dummies:)
Different Amero viewpoints
Because life's a funny game
"Since the Internet began, there has been web page after web page of conspiracy theories. The old conspiracies like 'Who shot JFK?' have given way to newer and bigger questions, 'Did the government have a hand in 9/11... how did the AIDS virus get started....and wild accusations about something called a "chemtrail". Especially today, with web sites like YouTube, those 'New World Order' theories are really getting popular. According to most of these, your children may be using Amero's as currency and not US Dollars! Amuse yourself by participating in a hunt for the best Conspiracy Theory on the Internet and get some great laughs out of it."
It's the Loonie stupid neo-cons want to tame
"In the wake of the loonie's rise above parity against the U.S. dollar, there has been a revival of the debate around the idea of a common currency between Canada and the United States. In one corner stand people like David Laidler who argue that it is a bad idea; the loonie should continue to float against the greenback. In the other corner, we have the likes of Herbert Grubel, Thomas Courchene and Pierre Fortin who clamour for some form of monetary integration between Canada and the United States."
Greenback: the new carry-trade currency
"In addition to the existence of ameros available for purchase, there are groups advocating the abolition of national currencies in favor of a single global currency, including the Web site singleglobalcurrency.org.
Some are legitimate sources of intelligent discussion about the relative merits of a single currency system, and some are less-than-credible rants on global conspiracy theories and propagation of urban myths.
But that doesn't seem to matter to those convinced that the introduction of the amero is right around the corner.
Now maybe it is easier to deal with tough economic times by ignoring the day-to-day realities of credit issues and slow job creation in favor of more sinister theories of where the economy is heading.
But if conspiracy theories are your cup of tea, perhaps it might be more productive to consider some more mainstream plots, such as the truth behind the Kennedy assassination or whether or not NASA faked the moon landings or perhaps the greatest conspiracy ever, the 1969 New York Mets.
But if fears of a growing movement toward creation of a global currency is keeping you awake at night, rest easy. There already is a global currency. And it is called the U.S. dollar.
Despite its recent decline against the euro, the U.S. dollar is still the major international reserve currency and is more than likely to rebound in the coming months and reestablish its global primacy."
All this Union, One, Global talk is sadly no conspiracy "theory"
"According to this economic legend, dark forces are at work as we speak to create and implement the "amero," a North American variant of the euro, to replace the American, Canadian and Mexican national currencies. And with the creation of that North American Union, so the conspiracy theory holds, goes economic freedom, Yankee ingenuity and probably apple pie."
So read this and realize: This ain't a theory this is tyranny!
"Many have now heard rumblings of the “amero”, a proposed North American currency to replace the Canadian loonie, dollar and peso. However, most of the mentions of this concept, when discussed in the mainstream media tend to focus on suggesting that talk of an “amero”, and in effect, the accompanying North American Union, is nothing but a conspiracy theory created by deluded xenophobes afraid of immigration and globalization. The Boston Globe recently wrote such a story, titled, “The Amero Conspiracy”, which stated, “The SPP [Security and Prosperity Partnership] does exist, and its tri-national task forces continue to meet, but its members consider it a way for the United States, Canada, and Mexico to collaborate on issues such as customs, environmental and safety regulations, narcotics smuggling, and terrorism. The amero, on the other hand, appears to be purely theoretical.” However, despite being conveyed as “purely theoretical”, a recent article in the national Canadian newspaper, the Financial Post, referred to the amero, not as a theoretical idea or conspiracy theory, but as a potential reality. The article entitled, Fix the Loonie, lays out the process to be undertaken before the adoption of a continental currency known as the Amero."
Tags Amero, NAU, North American Currency
The NAU - Part 2: The Amero
"What is not to say that, if and when this global crash occurs, the governments of Mexico, Canada, and the US will come up with a plan to ‘save us’ from harsh poverty, unemployment, and hunger by creating a new, more ‘powerful’ dollar, backed by the American, Mexican, and Canadian economies, called the Amero in order to ‘compete’ with the powerful Euro in the merging ‘world market?’
Remember I am only connecting dots here. I am not implying that this will happen. I hope that I am wrong, but when you put pieces of the puzzle together and begin to see the picture you have to ask yourself, 'Is this really going to happen?' Remember, I call things the way I see it.
Then how desperate will we become when the economic crash occurs? Our generation knows nothing about harsh poverty like our great grandfathers did in 1929. We are spoiled in our capitalist riches and take for granted all of the good things we own made cheaply in repressive foreign countries. What is not to say that we will demand the Amero when a loaf of bread will cost 20 US dollars, but cost 2 Ameros? After all, NAFTA was the first step in this North American Union plan. If the US falls economically so will Mexico, and Canada."
Read the whole article at AmericanChronicle.com
Tags Amero, North American Currency
The attractive End Game
"One clear inference is that if The Cartel is pushing the Amero as the eventual, and their favored, alternative to the U.S. Dollar, The Cartel certainly intends to continue its interventional efforts at suppressing the prices of Gold and Silver in order to prevent their attaining widely-recognized legitimacy as money. The foregoing are only a couple of the components of this massive and dramatic End Game Plan, the particulars of which can be found in Deepcaster’s June, 2007 Letter at www.deepcaster.com at “Latest Letter” in the Archives. In the event of the success (from The Cartel’s perspective) of the implementation of the End Game Plan, doubtless The Fed would transmogrify itself into The (still private and very profitable) Central Bank responsible for issuing the Amero. Of course, the key question for the long-term is whether The Cartel will be able to pull it off. Certainly they have been instrumental in creating a financial climate which has crisis potential," warns the Deepcaster, while the New York Post says this: "The Amero is a term being used for a unified currency for North America - like the euro is for Europe. It's pie in the sky, but works well as a story line if you believe there's a conspiracy to purposely allow the US dollar to collapse in value.
The euro has been so successful - relative to the dollar - over its eight-year existence that the idea of a unified North American currency may be attractive to some.
Will it ever happen? Probably around the same time Americans start crossing the Mexican border by cover of darkness in hopes of finding a job. In other words, never."
Amero poll results
51% of Amero.at readers expect the US Dollar to be history by 2010. A quarter says: No North American currency - EVER!
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