After nearly 20 years of full time research into the true workings of the world, the last few weeks have been real head-shakers for me. Talk about watching a movie.
And it's not even a new movie - just a remake of endless of its kind over hundreds of years. They were once in silent black and white and now in full-blown computer-enhanced digital colour. The movie is called 'The Banking Crisis' and among its many sequels and spin-offs are 'The Recession', 'The Slump', 'The Crash', and, in it's latest version, 'The Credit Crunch'.
All of them star the insider actors and actresses from the same elite families and all have but one prime objective: human control. Everything else is decoration, diversion and camouflage.
I'll summarise first what I have been saying since the early 1990s about the 'economic cycle' of 'boom and bust' and then have a look at what is happening today from that perspective. [...] When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilisation may collapse, unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.'
And so to today's 'banking crisis'. It's a classic. [...] After the 'boom' created by low interest rates and unlimited credit since the 1990s, they are crashing the global economy through what is being called the 'Credit Crunch'. Put another way, they put lots of money into circulation (boom) and now they are taking it out again (bust).
This means that there comes a moment when there is simply not enough money in circulation for everyone to pay back their outstanding 'loans'. Suffering and homelessness are built into the system.
Other aspects of this same agenda include: The crashing of the US dollar to prepare for its replacement by a 'North American Union' currency (working title at least, the Amero) which would become the currency of the United States, Canada and Mexico with plans to extend it to the whole of the Americas.
It's a big classic club and you ain't in it...
Tags Amero, No Conspiracy Theory

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