What we are seeing is just 'history' (the techniques of mass manipulation) repeating.
After the 'boom' created by low interest rates and unlimited credit since the 1990s, they are crashing the global economy through what is being called the 'Credit Crunch'. Put another way, they put lots of money into circulation (boom) and now they are taking it out again (bust).
This means that there comes a moment when there is simply not enough money in circulation for everyone to pay back their outstanding 'loans'. [...] Other aspects of this same agenda include: The crashing of the US dollar to prepare for its replacement by a 'North American Union' currency (working title at least, the Amero) which would become the currency of the United States, Canada and Mexico with plans to extend it to the whole of the Americas.
Source: Folsomtelegraph.com
Let the debt deflate
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