In his new book, "The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger With Mexico and Canada," Corsi weaves a sprawling theory in which multinational companies, the Bush administration, the Council on Foreign Relations, Democratic-leaning college professors and the governments of Mexico and Canada, among others, are all working -- not necessarily together, but in harmony -- to create a "North American Union." This NAU, Corsi says, will be similar to the European Union, breaking down national boundaries, establishing a single North American currency and potentially even leading to a rewriting of the Bill of Rights. (Source:
Waehrend die Masse bei Amero-Geschnatter immer noch den Term "Verschwoerungstheorie" benutzt, creepen bereits die ersten Amero-Marketing Kampagnen im Cyberspace herum. U.a. auf wirbt ein Verein namens fuer eine goldene Zukunft: Amero Alternative!
Amero = New Bill of Rights?

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