While the Humane Society trumpeted its spectacular “success” in this important effort, the National Rifle Association maintained a more balanced perspective in explaining its proud support for the internet hunting bans. “We were happy to do it,” said Rod Harder, NRA lobbyist in Oregon. “It’s pretty easy to outlaw something that doesn’t exist.” With that model in mind, all legislators and governors, all Senators and Congressmen on the federal level, should vote quickly to support current efforts to ban or block the dreaded “North American Union” which allegedly threatens to merge the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
Since no office-holder of any political persuasion has ever advocated this “pre-meditated merger,” politicians should be able to dispense with this dire non-threat just about as easily as they fended off the menace of internet hunting. Of course, our elected representatives may look a bit silly wasting their legislative energy trying to counteract a plan that no one supports, but no sillier, certainly, than the pompous and paranoid media demagogues (Lou Dobbs most prominent among them) who decry this vast conspiracy every day.
On August 5, for example, WorldNutDaily, the once-reputable website that now positions itself as the last line of defense against all-powerful plots against our sovereignty, even managed to connect fears of a North American Union to the tragic bridge disaster in Minneapolis. “NAFTA Superhighway Traffic Tied to Bridge Collapse,” proclaimed the headline---without informing readers that the dreaded Superhighway doesn’t exist in Minnesota, or anywhere else beyond the feverish fantasies of conspiracists.
In the face of such heavy-breathing scare stories, legislators in several dozen states and even some members of Congress (including the benighted Virgil Goode of Virginia) have already introduced resolutions to derail the North American Union before it’s too late--- just as some of the same valiant defenders of sanity and decency fought off the horrible menace of internet hunting.
Actually, I support such resolutions, as should even the most skeptical critics of the alarmist, NAU frenzy-- as should, for that matter, the President of the United States. We all back American sovereignty, don’t we? Anyone honestly desire to replace the greenback dollars with a sketchy (and presumably tan-colored) invention known (to paranoid loon-dogs) as “the Amero”? When legislatures and Congress vote unanimously, or by margins exceeding 100 to 1, against melding the USA with our Mexican and Canadian neighbors, then perhaps some of our terrified fellow citizens will be able to sleep soundly again – and focus on the nation’s persistent problems and present threats.
Democrats, for instance, want to socialize medicine, raise taxes, weaken our military, restructure the family, and create vast new cradle-to-grave entitlements. Conservatives and patriots ought to concentrate on defeating these open and ongoing efforts rather than shadow-boxing against phantoms like the North American Union and the Monster Superhighway.
by Michael Medvedby > Townhall.com
"Internet Hunting Shows the Awful Truth about North American Union"
Tags Amero Currency, Canada, Mexico, NAU, North American Union, NRA, Townhall

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