Loveland resident Daniel Carr's work is exceptionally beautiful.
A designer of collectible coins, he's the man behind the official New York and Rhode Island state quarter designs for the United States.
Sadly, some people are taking Carr's entire oeuvre a bit too seriously. They should not.
Not long ago, Carr, who also casts funny and gimmicky coins, came up with a bright idea. He fashioned a collectible coin based on an imaginary currency called the "amero" - a mix of "America" and "dinero." It is something analogous to the European euro. Analogous but fake. Carr's denominations range from 20 to 1,000. [...] I find the idea of a North American Union, as I do most conspiracy theories, pure baloney. How could all these enormous institutions have the ability to work in precise cohesion to control the entire continental economy when the government can't even figure out how to plow the snow on my street? [...] There have been some theoretical discussions about the amero in the past. Though not a single official in any country in North America has ever moved to produce this currency.
Still, for Carr a little controversy is clearly good for business. And his site,, now features a disclaimer for visitors.
"My goal with these coins is not to endorse a Union of North America or a common 'amero' currency. I fully support the United States Constitution," Carr wrote. "I expect that these coins will help make more people aware of the issue and the possible ramifications. I leave it up to others to decide if they are in favor of, or against, a North American Union."
Viva conspiracy!
Source: The Denver Post
Ignorant thinking ... not
Tags Amero, Fantasy Coins, Real Amero Coins

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