Speaking on the Larry King show, former Mexican President Vicente Fox confirmed every assertion made by Jerome Corsi in his new book, NY Times bestseller "The Late Great U.S.A: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada" (WND Books, ISBNs 0-9790451-4-2, $25.95, July 2007). Not only did Fox admit that he and George W. Bush have "agreed" to create a common currency, the Amero, he contended that a North American Union is "inevitable". [...] "Finally" says the author of "The Late Great U.S.A" "here is unequivocal proof, straight from the mouth of Mexico’s former president, that Bush’s goal is to erode United States sovereignty in order to create free movement for Mexico’s peasant class across our border, in the process flooding us with even more anchor babies and illiterates ready and willing to take advantage of our country’s all-too-generous welfare programs".
Mexico’s invasion of America can and must be stopped, but in order to do so, every citizen must rise up and demand an end to it. "George W. Bush has been bought lock, stock and barrel by the elite and multi-national corporations pushing for a merger with Mexico, but he has utterly no right under the Constitution to push for a merger of the U.S with Mexico or any other country"
Fox’s comments are part and parcel of Mexico’s ongoing campaign to destroy American sovereignty to its benefit. "Going by what Fox has said on national television, it’s clear that Mexico has declared war on the United States" Corsi asserts. "It’s the only way such words can be interpreted. Since Bush has no interest in protecting our interests, and since all too few legislators have stepped up to condemn a North American Union and shared currency, it’s up to we the people".
Source: Webwire.com
Ex-Mex Prez: "Amero is inevitable"
Tags North American Union, Ron Paul 2008, UNA

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