The Goldman Sachs plant as the new head of the Bank of Canada ensures the takeover of the Canadian banking system, the introduction of the newly inaugurated amero currency, and lost sovereignty for Canada . This is tragic. With a crippled US banking system, a faltering USEconomic system dependent upon housing, and a Mexican failed state in the making, my hopes for the viability of the amero currency are dim. This garbage regional currency is doomed from the start. Canada is a small economy with an absolutely gigantic treasure of natural resources. The relative size of the three economies bodes poorly for the amero. With 30 million population in Canada , 300 million in the Untied States, and 120 million in Mexico , Canada cannot pull the three-horse team running ahead of a bizarre stagecoach. Cheap Mexican labor, ample Canadian minerals & resources, even with a spiffy new network of corridor transportation lines, cannot comfortably mesh with US entities.
The lopsided imbalanced upside down corrupted mix of US elements, steered toward consumption not investment, large & powerful rather than efficient, directed by wrong priorities, dominated by corrupt Wall Street and aggressive military forces simply is bound to produce little on the positive, and much on the negative. This queer alliance will not stop gold or silver prices from rising to great heights. This queer alliance will not prevent the energy prices from rising either. The main policy behind the amero currency will be inflation, no different from the USDollar.
Source: The Market Oracle
Requiem for the US Dollar

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