A lot of the time I wish my government, the American government, would just wake up out of its funk and start doing the right thing for its citizens. Everyday I hear about some scandal involving a government official, mud-slinging among presidential candidates, illegal immigrants standing up for their “rights” (excuse me?) and their supporters doing the same.
It’s a downward spiral we’re in. And the sad thing is, apparently there are few leaders willing to do anything about it. Oh sure, they claim they’re doing what’s right for America, but honestly, how is giving amnesty to illegal immigrants going to help Americans? They don’t call it that, of course, but they sugarcoat it and hope people won’t notice what they’re swallowing. [...] Having a unified currency among several countries has more disadvantages than advantages. It means that the member countries can’t solve their economic problems by adjusting their money supply or stimulate its growth. Instead, they must go with the flow, do what the other members are doing even when it’s not really helping.
I have nothing against our neighboring countries, but they should know this can adversely affect them as well because it will dilute their individuality the same as it would for America. America’s identity, its sovereignty, its cultural heritage and pride would simply fade away. So, too, will Canada and Mexico.
Gone are the days of us being known as the Great American Melting Pot. Instead, we are fast becoming a nation of “mini-nations”, each seeking their own agenda at the detriment of the greater good.
Source: MeAndMyDrum.com
The Late Great American Melting Pot

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