
Saudi Alaska gives you $50 Crude Oil in 2009?

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary [...] to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company.

Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, "The Energy Non-Crisis," which shows that peak oil is a scam because our domestic reserves in the North Slope of Alaska alone are at least as large as those in Saudi Arabia and are potentially large enough to power the US with domestic oil for two centuries. {...} As you know, the Illuminati are arrogant enough to reveal some of their plans because they believe there is nothing we can do about it.

Basically, Mr. Williams was told that over the next twelve months, from mid-2008 to mid-2009, (1) news of super giant oil fields, ready to produce, would be announced for two locations, in the Northern Slopes of Russia and in Indonesia, which oil fields would together contain more oil reserves than the entire Middle East; (2) that this news would drive oil prices down to $50/barrel; (3) that OPEC countries, especially in the Middle East, would be bankrupted by this price decrease; (4) that this would cause the financing of our foreign trade and current account deficits through purchases of treasury paper by foreign nations with their surplus oil profits to collapse, leading to the collapse of the dollar; (5) that the collapse of the dollar would cause unprecedented financial strife and turmoil in the US, and that it would take many years for the US to recover from this financial debacle; (6) that they (big oil) support John McCain for President; and (7) that US domestic oil reserves would never be tapped, and that any legislation which might allow domestic reserves to be tapped would not be allowed to pass, leaving the US dependent on foreign oil forever.

News of the Russian oil field has been announced just as predicted, but whether the rest happens as stated above remains to be seen. Nevertheless, many of these revelations seem quite feasible, so we thought we would comment on how these revelations might play out under the current financial scenario.

Certainly, if the world's oil reserves, ready to produce, are increased by an amount equal to the total oil reserves of the Middle East, oil could easily be brought down to $50 per barrel. It would almost be like starting all over again from an oil reserve perspective.

This would destroy the economies of countries that are currently giving us trouble, such as Iran and Venezuela, allowing us to defeat them without ever firing another shot. Russia would get less per barrel, but would be selling an awful lot of oil out of their vastly increased reserves, so they would be weakened, but not bankrupted. Nations in the Middle East, whose reserves are rapidly dwindling, would all be destroyed from an economic perspective at first, but the ensuing civil unrest would also eventually topple all Middle East OPEC regimes, allowing the US to move in and take over control of their governments and their remaining oil reserves. [...] What we envision happening under the scenario revealed to Mr. Williams would certainly start with the stated...

reduction in oil prices well ahead of elections.

This would produce great joy and relief for the sheople and ignite a huge, worldwide stock market rally just prior to elections, making George Bush and congressional incumbents look a lot better and lending support to John McCain, the stated preferred presidential candidate of big oil.

Much lower oil prices would support the dollar and suppress precious metals by reducing inflation by the amount attributable to recent oil price increases, but only at first.

Yet another informative article
by The notorious International Forecaster

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