The fact that more and more people wake up and smell the death of the Greenback means: Another trojan opportunity to infect more naive, lazy suckers who still click anywhere, open email attachments (Flickr attachments!), and don't know how to google the net, do their own research, read up on RSS, study the next fiat Dollar,
find a long-term fiat currency, etc.
The latest version of the evil-doing Storm Worm - remember da credit crunch? - uses catchy headlines to entice dumb people:
Amero - the secret currency
Amero arrives
Amero currency Union is now the reality
Amero is not a myth
AMERO to replace Dollar
Bye bye dollar, hello amero
Collapse of the Dollar
Death of the U.S. Dollar
Dollar is replacing by Amero
Dollar is replacing by new currency
Fall of the Dollar, beginning of AMERO
No dollars anymore
North American Union is the reality now
One Currency for Canada, U.S and Mexico - The Amero
Say Goodbye to the Dollar
The Amero is here
The Dollar disappeared
The new currency is coming
Welcome the Amero
You can forget about Dollars
This security blog about cyber crime has the whole article. Read it if you're powered by Microshiznit... because:
"According to Virus Total only 14 of 33 anti-virus products detected the new malware."
Reportedly, on clicking the link in the spam message, the victim is directed to a site laden with drive-by exploits inside a script file named "ind.php". The infection success rate is highly dependant on the social engineering tactic employed and thus the malicious file in this campaign is appropriately named "amero.exe", says Websense. In the past, Storm Worm has used other themes to spread malware with themes related to the "U.S. Independence Day" and news on the fictitious "World War III."