One of the most practical things you can do now is get yourself out of debt. When the switch occurs, and it will (think Patriot Act with all the camera's everywhere that no one wants) the people who won't be able to walk away from their debts are the debt heavy middle class. Just like student loans, the government will make sure that you pay. It won't go away. So when the dollar is further devalued and they decide like someone said earlier and offer 3 Amero's for one dollar, those in debt won't see the light of day, because I'm sure their debt will be reflected in Amero's at that point -- just another way of keeping you in bondage. No one thought we'd be comfortable with paying $3 for gas, but that day is here. Wages are not rising. Most Americans are insulating themselves with debt as opposed to buying their way out of the system. The government, better yet the Republican Party, really doesn't want to do a thing to help Americans out. Their thinking is that American's were stupid for indulging in the first place, as if the baiting never took place.
Companies are definitely going to go for the Amero. Most American technology companies (the richest companies in the nation now) are already using low wage foreign workers. What they can't automate, they are going to look to pay the lowest price possible. [...] People need to wake up and smell the coffee. American politicians have taken up the "Snoop Dogg" way of thinking -- "We don't love these ho's". If you don't know who the "ho" is, chances are the Vaseline has left you immune to the pain.
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Amero Debt Monster
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