I receive mailings from a wide variety of political thought from ACLU through the conservative Middle American News and beyond. Many have expressed alarm about the affect on our country of the above proposals. [...] One of these "working Groups" is the Council of Foreign Relations, which issued a 59-page document in 2005 advocating a "North American Union" with open borders so that people and goods could "flow freely" between the three countries. This CFR document also demanded that the United States implement Bush's Social Security "Totalization Agreement" between the U.S. and Mexico. "Totalization" would make all illegal immigrants and their families immediately eligible for Social Security benefits, a disaster for the Social Security Trust Fund.
To implement the North American Union, the CFR recommended the building of the "NAFTA Superhighway," an eight-lane highway through the middle of our country from the Mexican border into Canada. There would be no border inspections in order to facilitate the free flow of goods and labor between the three countries. Later on, the U.S. dollar would be replaced by the "Amero", modeled on the European Union's "Euro."
According to what I have been reading, these are the plans un-elected bureaucrats in the highest levels of our government, encouraged by our president, have in store for us.
by Leo T. Ratzer
Source: DailyHerald
Proposals that threaten the U.S.A.

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